Algorithmic Gauntlet

In broad strokes, the main points of this project are different sorting and searching algorithms visualization,RGB led strip as an array and respective pointers to the array index, 3D gauntlet as a control for program flow, web application , and particularly ESP32 as a microcontroller Arduino.

There are two principal applications of algorithm visualization: research and education. Potential benefits for researchers are based on expectations that algo-rithm visualization may help uncover some unknown features of algorithms. This can help to examine the working of different algorithms. This can help one to estimate counts of steps to execute an algorithm over the data structure

Each button connector cable has two wires, one for VCC and one for ground. One end has spade connectors that fit the leads on the back of the button -- attach the ground to the "normally open" lead, and VCC to the "common" lead. In this configuration, when the user pushes the button, the circuit is completed and the microcontroller will read HIGH on the corresponding input pin.

#define NUM_BUTTONS 13 Button gButtons[NUM_BUTTONS] = { { 26, GenRandom, false }, { 25, GenNoise, false }, { 35, Reverse, false }, { 12, LinearSearch, false }, { 14, BinarySearch, false }, { 27, Reserved, false }, { 23, BubbleSort, false }, { 5, InsertionSort, false }, { 13, QuickSort, false }, { 33, MergeSort, false }, { 32, HeapSort, false }, { 15, BitonicSort, false }, { 34, StartPause, false }, }; The other end of the cable has a JST connector (the little white thing). They only go into the receptacle in one way, so there is no way to accidentally reverse VCC and ground. What I did is build a little harness for these connectors. I solder a series of JST receptacles onto a piece of protoboard and then run wires back to Dupont connectors that I'll plug into the microcontroller. The red wire is the VCC line, and it connects to all of the JST receptacles. The blue wires are the ones that are separate for each button. The rotary encoder lets the user control the speed of the algorithm. I use a module that comes as a breakout board that includes pull-up resistors for the two data lines (yellow wires). This one also happens to be a button, but I'm not using that feature. The other two wires are VCC and ground. Rotary encoder, as opposed to a potentiometer, is that it just signals rotation (clockwise vs counter-clockwise) to the microcontroller, so it's easy to change how the value is interpreted. For example, one can give it a sense of acceleration (like a mouse) when the user is spinning it fast.

#define NUM_BUTTONS 13 Button gButtons[NUM_BUTTONS] = { { 26, GenRandom, false }, { 25, GenNoise, false }, { 35, Reverse, false }, { 12, LinearSearch, false }, { 14, BinarySearch, false }, { 27, Reserved, false }, { 23, BubbleSort, false }, { 5, InsertionSort, false }, { 13, QuickSort, false }, { 33, MergeSort, false }, { 32, HeapSort, false }, { 15, BitonicSort, false }, { 34, StartPause, false }, };

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